Here is an account of what I did during last Escape.
'An Inconvenient Truth' is a documentary film by former US Vice President Al Gore about global warming. I first thought that it would be kind of scientific and statistical presentation. But it turned out to be a quite amusing report of our Earth's warning alert!
Global warming is not new. We heard politicians talking about it, and students writing lengthy essays on it. What actually is it? Gore borrows a clip from Futurama episode 'Crime of the Hot' to explain global warming. The comic scene showed a girl wondering why her ice-cream cone melts instantly and there was a Scientist? explained to her about what happened...Hilarious:)
In its opening, Gore mentioned "You look at that river gently flowing by. You notice the leaves rustling with the wind. You hear the birds; you hear the tree frogs. In the distance you hear a cow. You feel the grass. The mud gives a little bit on the river bank. It’s quiet; it’s peaceful. And all of a sudden, it’s a gear shift inside you. And it’s like taking a deep breath and going... 'Oh yeah, I forgot about this.”
He showed slides of pictures of glaciers before and after.
Picture of Yawning Glacier which has
retreated significantly since 1980.
with 1985. (the red line).
*Overall, his presentation is thought-
provoking. Every one on Earth has c
ontribution to global warming. We
couldn't just sit and pretend as if nothing
has happened because it is happening
for real. We ought to reflect on our daily
lives and look into how much CO2 we are releasing every day...and start do something..."
Thus I draft a few actions which are quite practical in the sense that I could do it. Hopefully:)
1. Turn off light/fan when I leave my room.
2. Adjust my notebook in Standby mode whenever I am not using it.
3. Refuse plastic bag if I only purchase one/two small items.
4. Choose products which are less-packaging.
5. Opt for vegetarian meals once a week as poultry industry contribute greenhouse gases a lot!
6. Spread my words about global warming whenever possible..:)
I pledge to do my part! How about you? =) //Natalie
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